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Wrapping Up the Season in Myrtle Beach

Writer's picture: Cheer Energy AllstarsCheer Energy Allstars

THE National Champions of D2 Small Senior 4... BLACKOUT

And just like that the 2018-2019 competition season has come to an end. Every year we train, work, and fight to be the best program we can, and every year it shows. Our athletes have put in tremendous work this season, whether it be attending tumbling classes, our new flight school, coming in for extra practices, or taking privates from our wonderful instructors. This season has been one of learning and growth. We have introduced new levels, like our Junior 3 team or our 3 senior teams, and even brought back old staff, like Coaches Madison, Steven, Penny, and Vonda. Although the season has not been easy, we have come together as a cheer family, and have supported one another both in and outside the gym. We love you all and hope you join us again next year for another season.

Before we get into the results of the competition in Myrtle Beach this weekend, we wanted to reflect on some of the amazing opportunities and additions we had in our gym this season:

Ice Cream Social to kick off the season

Flight School and Flexibility Classes

3 Senior Teams for the first time ever in Cheer Energy history

Big/Little Sisters

Helping feed others during Thanksgiving

Helping the Angel Tree Organization

Brand New Uniforms for the entire program

New website with new features

New Apparel Launch

Bringing back senior trips (Ignite in Savannah, Impulse in Nashville, Blackout in Orlando)

SHOCK: Our Parent Team

2 Cheer Prep Teams: STATIC and ELECTRIC

And so many more!

The Competition

"If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you." -Fred Devito

This weekend we took our regular season teams to Myrtle Beach, SC to compete at Allstar Championships Throwback Throwdown Nationals for the last time this season. Not only did our athletes get to catch some sun on the beach, they brought awesome performances to the floor. With the intensity of the competition season (having a competition almost every weekend since the beginning of March) we are so proud of our athletes for finishing the season strong.

Sparks brought their A-game this weekend as they competed in their last competition of the season. Despite the hesitations of taking the little ones to such a large and long competition, THEY KILLED IT. Performing a ZERO DEDUCTION routine, they were not afraid to show what they could do. Every single athlete was vibrant on the stage and lit up the crowd.

Atomic came out and did what they do best, they wowed us all. They hit a ZERO DEDUCTION ROUTINE on Day 1 and Day 2. Being a team that has grown together since their start on tinies, their bond outshines any other and we could not be more proud. Your work ethic and drive to be better for one another is something we hope to see all the way through seniors.

Fusion competed two amazing ZERO DEDUCTION performances this weekend as they placed middle of the pack in a very tough division. Youth 1 has and will always be one of the most competitive divisions in the industry. With that being said, CONGRATULATIONS to Fusion for holding their own all season. Although you may not have won every competition, you put on a one-of-a-kind show with your sass and performance.

Their are no words for how amazing Voltage did this weekend. Their performance was show-stopping to say the least. You ladies may not have come home with a bookbag, but putting on the best routines you have all season and leaving your coaches in tears feels pretty dang awesome! Keep bringing your positive attitudes and hard work into whatever you do, both in and out of the gym.

Ignite looked great on Day 1 with only a minor building fall. On Day 2, they added to the already 8 perfect routines of the weekend by hitting a ZERO DEDUCTION performance. These ladies have come so far this season, with so many of them being new to competitive cheerleading, and have made us all so proud. We can't wait to see what you bring to the mat in Florida!

Impulse hit a ZERO DEDUCTION routine Day 1 with one of the best routines of the season. They sat middle of the pack after the first day and came out on Day 2 with a fight, hitting the last of our ZERO DEDUCTION routines of the weekend (thats 10 in all)! Awesome job ladies, and keep on fighting!

Blackout had a rough start to the weekend, having some building issues on Day 1, yet still putting on an amazing performance. Day 2 took a turn for the better and our elite level 4 team became NATIONAL CHAMPS! After the screaming and crying subsided, our champions grabbed their book bags and celebrated!!! Congrats on ending the season with a bang!

Explosion came out and had the crowd on their feet for their Saturday performance, as they always do! This team had such a successful season and we can't wait to see you all again in the fall. Thank you to all of the helpers that assisted in making this team great this year!

"Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened." -Dr Seuss

To our athletes... thank you for being the role models of the gym. Thank you for consistently encouraging one another no matter what. Thank you for coming in to help volunteer, raise money, work hard, and encourage others. Although you may not realize it, the years you have put into cheerleading have made you all amazing people. Whether you are leaving us after graduation or coming back for another year, from the bottom of our hearts we want to thank you.

We would also like to thank our awesome staff for all of the work that they do. The research, time, and effort our coaches put into molding these routines into perfection is a labor of love. We stress a lot, but we laugh and love even more. To our owners, social media team, and designers, we are grateful for everything you do in creating a brand we are proud to share. Our gym would not be the same without all of you!

And lastly we would like to thank every single parent, family member, and supporter of our program this season. Our team moms for the season outdid themselves with every fundraiser event, extra practice, goodie bag, and competition day. We realize that the long car rides, payments, early competition days, and multiple nights in the gym can be overwhelming at times, but we are blessed with an incredible Cheer Energy family that makes it all work. Thank you for allowing us to be apart of your children's lives, they impact our lives as much as we do theirs. We hope you realize how much you are appreciated!


Next on our competition journey, Atomic, Ignite, and Impulse will be competing in Jacksonville, FL at The Finale. These teams, as well as many of our other teams, received paid bid to this event. They will be traveling the weekend of May 4th, so don't forget to send them some support as well! GOODLUCK LADIES!

To our Seniors

To the ones that have sacrificed their weekends to be at competitions.

To the ones that have spent hours in the gym perfecting skills.

To the ones that have suffered injuries and setbacks.

To the ones that have stayed late or showed up early to be their best.

To the ones that have given their lives to the sport.

We love and appreciate you.

Whether you have been with us since our Magic Allstars days or are just joining us this season, your love and sacrifice to our program have made us the program we are today. In the coming weeks as you graduate, take the lessons of leadership, teamwork, perseverance, and dedication into whatever you do. Although we love creating great athletes, we enjoy creating great people much more. Haleigh, Hailey, Gracie, Macey, Lexi, Justice, Logan, and Katelyn go and do amazing things, beyond what you think is possible. Your Cheer Energy family loves you and will always welcome you back with open arms. Again, thank you for making an impact on us all. You will sincerely be missed. And remember:

"Don't give up, don't ever give up." -Jimmy Valvano


Your forever CEA family

Results of Day 1:

Sparks: 3rd Place (HIT 0)
Atomic: 7th Place (HIT 0)
Fusion: 6th Place (HIT 0)
Voltage: 9th Place
Ignite: 7th Place
Impulse: 6th Place (HIT 0)
Blackout: 2nd Place
Explosion: 1st Place (HIT 0)

Results of Day 2:

Atomic: 7th Place (HIT 0)
Fusion: 6th Place (HIT 0)
Voltage: 8th Place (HIT 0)
Ignite: 9th Place (HIT 0)
Impulse: 4th Place (HIT 0)
Blackout: 1st Place National Champions

Best Routines of the Season

Because Atomic, Ignite, and Impulse are traveling to Jacksonville, FL on May 4th, we will not release their videos until after The Finale competition. Atomic, Ignite, and Impulse parents/athletes, we ask that you not post videos on social media until after May 4th. Below we have provided the videos of the best routines of the season for each team. Hope you enjoy!








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Cheer Energy Allstars

185 2nd St Pl SE

Hickory, NC 28602


Tel: (828) 405-1217


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