All full-season Cheer Energy teams competed this Saturday at Spirit Xpress Regionals in Concord, NC. The day, although long, was filled with so much success from every team. Atomic (SM1) came out for the first time this season and blew everyone away with their amazing performance and sass. In a tough division, Fusion (SY1) held their own and hit a perfect routine. Voltage (SJr3) had the crowd on their feet with their winning performance. Ignite (SSr2) and Impulse (SSr3) had their best performances of the season. Blackout (SSr4) finished the day with tons of energy throughout their routine. And, of course, Explosion (Special Needs) had one of the best performances of the day.
All teams placing top 3 in their division received a bid to All-Levels Championship at the end of the season. Because this was a D2 Summit Bid competition, the winning teams have a chance to receive a bid to the nationals event in April. The decision will be based on the top scores of the day and will be revealed on Monday via Varsity TV. If you are following us through the season, our next competition will be January 26th in Shelby, NC at All Day Cheer.
With the upcoming holiday season we want to wish our athletes and supporters a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Cheer Energy family. We are sincerely grateful for all the hard work, dedication, and love you pour into our program. A simple "Thank You" doesn't express the appreciation we have for you all. Travel safe over the holidays and enjoy time spent with loved ones. When we return after break, get ready for updated routines, better skills, and more talent than ever before!
Community Service: Angel Tree
In a turn away from competitions, Cheer Energy is always trying to encourage a since of selflessness and gratitude in our athletes. Although many of our athletes are fortunate enough to have the means to participate in competitive cheerleading, we realize that many individuals in our community do not. We have been lucky enough to have a supportive community and we feel that it is important to give back to those who have made us who we are over our 11+ years as a program. With that being said, we have adopted children as a part of the Salvation Army Angel Tree program that provides Christmas gifts to families who would otherwise get nothing. Each team is assigned to giving to 2-4 children, and although we do not make it mandatory for our athletes, we highly encourage it. Many of our cheerleaders truly enjoyed delivering these gifts to the Salvation Army and seeing the smile on the faces of others made it all worth it.
If you are interested in learning more about our community service projects, visit the OTHER SERVICES tab in the ABOUT section of the menu. We thank all of the athletes, parents, and those who donate who continue to make this such a success every year!
Results from the day
Atomic: 1st Place (HIT 0)
Fusion: 3rd Place (HIT 0)
Voltage: 1st Place (HIT 0)
Ignite: 3rd Place
Impulse: 4th Place
Blackout: 3rd Place
Explosion: 1st Place (HIT 0)