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2019-2020 season Showcase

Writer: Cheer Energy AllstarsCheer Energy Allstars

Members of BLACKOUT celebrating their awesome performance!

Welcome back Cheer Energy to competition season! We would like to start by congratulating all of our athletes, coaches, and parents for working hard thus far to get to this point. We appreciate all that you do to be in the gym and prove your dedication week after week. This season we have added new teams, expanded our coaching staff, reached the highest number of athletes EVER in our small gym, and have made made so much progress in the last few months. Just as a friendly reminder to those not familiar with Cheer Energy, the following teams make up our program this season:

Surge (Tiny Exhibition Level 1- Ages 3 &4)

Sparks (Mini Prep Level 1.1- Ages 5 to 8)

Atomic (Mini Level 1- Ages 5 to 8)

Flash (Youth Prep Level 1.1- Ages 5 to 11)

Fusion (Youth Level 2- Ages 5 to 11)

Voltage (Junior Level 2- Ages 5 to 14)

Ignite (Senior Level 2- Ages 11 to 18)

Impulse (Senior Level 3- Ages 11 to 18)

Blackout (Senior Level 4- Ages 11 to 18)

Explosion (Cheer Abilities/Special Needs- Ages 5+)

The Cheer Energy Family is up to 123 athletes this year!

New Coaches

Cheer Energy has welcomed three new awesome coaches to their coaching staff this season! In an effort to give your athletes the best opportunities possible, we continue to add excellent coaches to our program. First we would like to introduce Cody Riner, who came to Cheer Energy from Top Gun Tennessee. Cody has cheered on Level 5 teams in the past and is a great coach to both Ignite and our tumbling classes.

Our newest addition to our coaching staff is Skye Crawford. Skye is actually no stranger to our program; she cheered for Cheer Energy for years and was arguably one of the best tumblers to come out of our program. Skye continued with her cheer career at Cheer Athletics Charlotte on their Level 5 Worlds team Royalcats. We are very excited to have Skye helping with our tumbling classes.

Lastly, Alea Sigmon has taken a new role in our staff as a tumble coach. Over the past few years, Alea has been our social media guru and has helped with advertising, although she helps out with just about anything. Alea has cheered at Cheer Energy (and Magic Allstars before CEA was created) for 15 years and is excited to work with the upcoming generations of athletes.

In addition, we would like to include our new junior coaches selected by our owners for their leadership skills and their love for the sport. These athletes are on our older teams and come in to our younger teams practices to help our coaches and mentor the athletes. We are very proud to say we have more than ever this year. We love the selflessness of our athletes!

Karly Wallace: Athlete on Impulse // Assists with Fusion

Matti Hickman: Athlete on Impulse // Assists with Atomic

Mary Morrison: Athlete on Impulse // Assists with Flash

Danica Poythress: Athlete on Blackout // Assists with Fusion

Savanna Carlton: Athlete on Blackout // Assists with Explosion

New Apparel

As promised, we released our new apparel items at showcase as well as some of the classic favorites. We have heard in years past that apparel is something we lacked so we have made it a priority to provide you with cute CEA swag. If you missed it, below are the items that were sold at Showcase that will also be available for sale at the gym. We hope you love them as much as we do!

Community Service

At Cheer Energy we believe that giving back to the community is vital in creating well rounded individuals. Although we do run an athletic program, we also create a family atmosphere and in that, shape the young kids that walk through our doors. As we traditionally have in the past, each team collected canned food to be donated to families in need for the Thanksgiving holiday. We are incredibly thankful for every person in our program for their participation in yet another successful community service project. In all, there were 517 cans collected to donate to the HMS canned food drive. Athletes, we commend you for your leadership and in the community.

The Teams

The teams did an amazing job on the floor this weekend and our coaches are very proud of them for all of their hard work. Although some of the teams did not showcase the entirety of their routines, we are very excited about what they put on the mat and what is to come this season. We are extremely grateful for the support we had come join our start to the season. If it were not for all the friends and family members cheering on our athletes, we would not achieve such success. We hope that you continue to support our athletes throughout the rest of the season. Next on our competition journey Fusion, Voltage, Ignite, Impulse, and Blackout travel to Greensboro, NC to compete at UCA (come support, its local!).

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Cheer Energy Allstars

185 2nd St Pl SE

Hickory, NC 28602


Tel: (828) 405-1217


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